Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Georgian interiors and exteriors

When I was in middle school we were given a project to write about another era....  funnily enough, I chose, Great Britain in Georgian times.  It was one of the best projects ever....  I took myself off to the library and delved into the history, fashion, architecture and interiors.  

Just look at how beautiful the panelling is in this entryway:

I've always loved symmetry in design - that's what draws me to this particular period.  The front door, centrally located and then two or three equally sized windows are placed on either side.  It's just so neat and tidy.

Bath, England has some of the best Georgian architecture.  The Royal Crescent is stunning... the colours, curves and sheer grandness is a feast for the eyes!

Detailed sketches of interior panelling - so intricate.

Finally, as I was checking out images for this post, I came across this fantastic wallpaper....  doesn't it look real....  of course, it's made in the UK by Mineheart:

Images/photos from Pinterest
Last image from Mineheart

1 comment:

  1. Love true Georgian design in all it's forms. There's a wonderful reference recently compiled 'Behind Closed Doors: At Home in Georgian England by Amanda Vickery. Inspire worthy!
